Samsung g610f usb driver. Oct 09, 2020 This document provides an overview of the basics of the Draft API. A working example is also available to follow along. Controlled Inputs#. The Editor React component is built as a controlled ContentEditable component, with the goal of providing a top-level API modeled on the familiar React controlled input API. React-rte - Pure React rich text 'WYSISYG' editor based on draft-js.
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- Calepin.co - Publishing for writers who love Markdown and Dropbox. Calepin reads Markdown-formatted, plain-text files stored in your Dropbox and converts them into blog posts for you.
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- The Open Semantic Framework is an integrated software stack using semantic technologies for knowledge management. It has a layered architecture that combines existing open source software with additional open source components developed by Structured Dynamics (SD). OSF is designed as an integrated content platform accessible via the Web, which provides needed knowledge management capabilities to enterprises.
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- Batman. Batman.js is no longer in production at Shopify and is not actively maintained.
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- Backbonejs. This tool provides a lot of facility-like models with key-value binding and custom events, API of enumerable functions, views, and other useful rich APIs that help to create a modern application.
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- Plot Digitizer is a Java program used to digitize scanned plots of functional data.
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- WebPlotDigitizer. Web based tool to extract data from plots, images, and maps
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