Markdown Support

Markdown is a lightweight markup language for adding formatting elements to plain text. PyCharm recognizes Markdown files, provides a dedicated editor with highlighting, completion, and formatting, and shows the rendered HTML in a live preview pane.

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  • Markdown Block – Support — The Markdown Block lets you compose posts and comments with links, lists, and other styles using regular characters and punctuation marks.
  • Most modern Markdown editors support several different implementations of the lightweight markup language.
  • It'd be awesome to have Markdown support in all areas here. It's much faster for us to create formatted text in our responses by using Markdown instead of the formatting bar.

Create a new Markdown file

By default, PyCharm recognizes any file with the .md or .markdown extension as a Markdown file.

Use Markdown to share code. You can format and share your code on Teams. To add an inline block of code, start and end the text with a back tick (` ), which is located next to the 1 on your keyboard.

  1. Right-click a directory in the Project tool window Alt+1 and select New | File.

    Alternatively, you can select the necessary directory, press Alt+Insert, and then select File.

  2. Enter a name for your file with a recognized extension, for example:

The Markdown editor provides several basic formatting actions in the toolbar:

  • : Bold

  • : Strikethrough

  • Traktor scratch duo 2 download. : Italic

  • : Code

  • : Decrease heading level

  • : Increase heading level

  • : Convert an inline link to a reference link

You can use the preview pane to see the rendered HTML.

There is also completion for links to files in the current project, for example, if you need to reference source code, images, or other Markdown files.

Code blocks

To insert a fenced code block, use triple backticks (```) before and after the code block. If you specify the language for the code block, by default, the Markdown editor injects the corresponding language. This enables syntax highlighting and other coding assistance features for the specified language: code completion, inspections, and intention actions.

Disable coding assistance in code blocks

If your code blocks are not meant to be syntactically correct, you may want to disable code injection and syntax errors in code blocks.

  1. In the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S, select Languages & Frameworks | Markdown.

  2. Configure the following options:

    Disable automatic language injection in code fencesDo not inject any coding assistance for code blocks.
    Hide errors in code fencesDo not check the syntax for errors.
  3. Click OK to apply the changes.


The Markdown editor can render diagrams defined with Mermaid and PlantUML. This is disabled by default and requires the corresponding Markdown extensions.

Enable diagram support

  1. In the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S, select Languages & Frameworks | Markdown.

  2. Enable either Mermaid or PlantUML under Markdown Extensions.

  3. After PyCharm downloads the relevant extensions, click OK to apply the changes.

Markdown Flow Syntax


HTML preview

By default, the Markdown editor shows a preview pane next to it for rendered HTML code based on the Markdown file. You can use or in the top right corner of the Markdown editor to show only the editor or the preview pane.

The scrollbars in the editor and in the preview pane are synchronized, meaning that the location in the preview pane corresponds to the location in the source. To disable this, click in the top right corner of the Markdown editor.

To split the editor and preview pane horizontally (top and bottom) instead of the default vertical split, in the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S, select Languages & Frameworks | Markdown, and then select Split horizontally under Editor and Preview Panel Layout.

Custom CSS

PyCharm provides default style sheets for rendering HTML in the preview pane. These style sheets were designed to be consistent with the default UI themes. You can configure specific CSS rules to make small presentation changes (for example, change the font size for headings or line spacing in lists) or you can provide an entirely new CSS to better match your expected output (for example, if you want to replicate the GitHub Markdown style).

  1. In the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S, select Languages & Frameworks | Markdown.

  2. Configure the settings under Custom CSS:

    • Select Load from URI to specify the location of a custom CSS file.

    • Select Add CSS rules rules to enter specific CSS rules that you want to override.

Reformat Markdown files

PyCharm can format Markdown files with proper line wrappings, blank lines, and indentation. For more information, see Reformat and rearrange code.

  • From the main menu, select Code | Reformat Code or press Ctrl+Alt+L.

PyCharm formats the contents according to the code style settings for Markdown files.

Configure Markdown code style settings

  • In the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S, select Editor | Code Style | Markdown.

Markdown code style settings include the following:


Configure the options for breaking lines.

Hard wrap atSpecify at which column to put a line break. PyCharm shows a vertical line at the specified column and breaks lines between words, not within words.
Wrap on typingAdd line breaks as you type. Disable this option to add line breaks only when PyCharm performs formatting.
Visual guidesShow an additional vertical line at the specified column.

Configure the options for nesting text blocks and alignment within a block.

Use tab characterUse the tab character for indentation. Disable this option to use spaces for indentation.
Smart tabsNest blocks with tabs and align with spaces. Disable this option to use only tabs and replace spaces that fit the specified tab size with tabs.
Tab sizeSpecify the number of spaces to render in place of one tab character.
IndentSpecify the number of spaces used for each indentation level.
Continuation indentSpecify the number of spaces used for continuing the same text block.
Keep indents on empty linesRetain tabs and spaces on empty lines. By default, this option is disabled and PyCharm removes tabs and spaces if there is nothing else on that line.

Set the maximum and minimum number of blank lines to keep for various text elements.

Around headerBefore and after chapter headings.
Around block elementsBefore and after code blocks.
Between paragraphsBetween two adjacent paragraphs.

Specify which elements should have exactly one space.

Between wordsRemove extra spaces between words.
After header symbolRemove extra spaces or add a missing space between the header symbol and the header title.
After list markerRemove extra spaces or add a missing space between the list item marker and the list item text.
After blockquote markerRemove extra spaces or add a missing space between the block quote marker and the text of the block quote.

Markdown Supported Emojis

Productivity tips

Customize highlighting for Markdown

PyCharm highlights various Markdown elements according to the color scheme settings.

  1. In the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S, select Editor | Color Scheme | Markdown.

  2. Select the color scheme, accept the highlighting settings inherited from defaults, or customize them as described in Configuring colors and fonts.

Navigate in a large Markdown file

Markdown Support

  • Use the Structure tool window Alt+7 or the File Structure popup Ctrl+F12 to view and jump to the relevant headings.

Markdown does not have dedicated syntax for commenting out lines. However, it is possible to emulate a comment line using a link label without an address, like this:

There must be a blank line before the link label.

  • Put the caret at the line that you want to comment out and press Ctrl+/.

    This will add a link label with the commented out text in parentheses and a blank line before it if necessary. Press the same shortcut to uncomment.

Last modified: 06 April 2021

Markdown Quick Reference Cheat Sheet

Outlook Markdown Support

Note: The instructions from this guide are referring to the Classic Editor. If you are using the WordPress block editor, please see this guide.

See the Markdown page for instructions on enabling Markdown for posts, pages and comments on your blog, and for more detailed information about using Markdown.

Markdown Supported Languages


Some themes may have different formatting for these styles

Inline Links

Most browsers show the title text when hovering over a link.

Please note that WordPress shortcodes, like [video] or [audio], will take priority over Markdown links and shouldn’t be used for link text.

A link.
Referenced Links

The reference section can be anywhere in the document

Some text with a link and another link.
Inline Images

The “Alt” text (alternative text) makes images accessible to visually impaired

Referenced ImagesSmaller logo:
Linked ImagesLinked logo:

Footnotes will be added to the bottom of the document, with a link back to the original reference

I have more 1 to say up here.
Line breaksWe do not support Markdown’s typical double-space to generate a line break due to our built-in auto-linebreaking function. A regular line break will generate a line break on output.
Bullet Lists
  • Item
  • Item
  • Item
  • Item
Numbered Lists
  1. Item
  2. Item
Mixed Lists
  1. Item
  2. Item
    • Mixed
    • Mixed
  3. Item

Quoted text.

Quoted quote.

  • Quoted
  • List
CodeThis is code
Code block
Syntax highlighting

See Posting Source Code for supported languages


Closing hash marks are optional on all levels

Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

Header 4

Header 5

Header 6

Definition Lists
A semantic personal publishing platform
Text-to-HTML conversion tool

Formatting for definition lists may vary between themes


Definitions can be anywhere in the document

Markdown converts text to HTML.

Markdown Support Word

Pianoteq 6 pro download. These are some of the most useful Markdown features available on See the official Markdown project and Markdown Extra for details about all available features, and variations on the features mentioned here.

Versatile plans and pricing

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  • Free

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  • Business

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