Extract images from PDF example written in C# for ActivePDF Xtractor 2015. GetImage example written in C# for ActivePDF Xtractor 2015. PDF Image Xtractor is the easiest way to get images out of a PDF file! All you have to do is drag and drop a PDF file onto the window and PDF Image Xtractor will go through each page and extract all the images out for you! You can even set a custom page range if you are only interested in extracting images on certain pages! Features: Extract. PDF Text OCR Xtractor has high accuracy and will get any image or PDF you have into editable searchable text. The conversion from image to text is quick. Main Features: 1. Use of the best OCR technology available. Support for 20+ different languages. Useful image transformations to enhance accuracy on difficult documents. Extra Features: 1.
Get all image data stored in your PDF file
How to extract images from PDF
Extract images without quality loss
Pdf Image Extractor Github
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