Peripheral Pulses

Peripheral pulses 2+

  1. Peripheral Pulse +2
  2. Peripheral Pulses Palpable
  3. Peripheral Pulses Location
  4. Peripheral Pulses X3
Peripheral vascular examination
Purposeassess signs of pathology in the peripheral vascular system

Peripheral Pulse +2

A peripheral vascular examination Shakira belly dance song. is a medical examination to discover signs of pathology in the peripheral vascular system. It is performed as part of a physical examination, or when a patient presents with leg pain suggestive of a cardiovascular pathology.

The exam includes several parts:

  • Position/lighting/draping
  • Inspection
  • Special maneuvers
  1. Palpation of peripheral pulses should include an assessment of the femoral, popliteal, and pedal vessels ( 12 ); pulses should be graded as absent, diminished, or normal. Physical examination should include blood-pressure measurement, palpation of peripheral pulses, and auscultation of pulses.
  2. Peripheral pulses were graded as either absent or present. Absent was graded as 0⁄3, present but reduced (1⁄3), normal (2⁄3) or bounding (3⁄3). Femoral bruits were graded as.

Thus, examination of the carotid pulse provides the most accurate representation of changes in the central aortic pulse. The brachial arterial pulse is examined to assess the volume and consistency of the peripheral vessels. UNEQUAL OR DELAYED PULSES. Inequality in the amplitude of the peripheral pulses. Pulsed, The regular throbbing of the arteries, caused by the successive contractions of the heart, esp. As may be felt at an artery, as at the wrist. A single pulsation of the arteries or heart. A stroke, vibration, or undulation, or a rhythmic series of these. Physical examination of the man.For more videos go to


Position – patient should be lying in the supine position and the bed or examination table should be flat. The patient's hands should remain at their sides with their head resting on a pillow.

Lighting – adjusted so that it is ideal.

Draping – the legs should be exposed, the groin and thigh covered. Drapes are usually placed between the legs.



On inspection the clinician looks for signs of:

  • previous surgery (scars)
  • muscle wasting/muscle asymmetry
  • edema (swelling)
  • erythema (redness)
  • ulcers – arterial ulcers tend to be on the borders / sides of the foot, neuropathic ulcers on the plantar surface of the foot, venous ulcers tend on be on the medial aspect of the leg superior to the medial malleolus.
  • hair – hair is absent in peripheral vascular disease (PVD)
  • shiny skin – seen in PVD
  • Haemosiderin deposits


Example of pitting edema in a person with liver failure
  • Temperature – cool suggest poor circulation, sides should be compared
  • Pitting edema – should be tested for in dependent locations – dorsum of foot, if present then on the shins. If the patient has been in bed for a longer period of time one should check the sacrum.
  • Capillary refill – should be less than 3 seconds.

Arterial pulses[edit]

  • Dorsalis pedis arterypulse – on dorsal surface of the foot, running lateral to the tendon of the first toe
  • Posterior tibial artery pulse – posterior and inferior to the medial malleolus
  • Popliteal artery pulse – behind the knee, typically done with both hands
  • Femoral artery pulse – in the femoral triangle / halfway between the ASIS and pubic tubercle


  • For femoral arterybruits

Special maneuvers[edit]

  • Ankle-brachial pressure index (ABPI) assesses peripheral vascular disease. It may however be unreliable in patients with calcified arteries in the calf (often diabetic patients) or those with extensive oedema, in which case toe pressure or Toe-brachial pressure index (TBPI) should be measured to aid in the diagnosis.
  • Venous refill with dependency (should be less than 30 seconds) – the vein should bulge outward within 30 seconds of elevation for one minute.
  • Buerger's test (assessment of arterial sufficiency):
    With the patient supine, note the colour of the feet soles. They should be pink. Then elevate both legs to 45 degrees for more than 1 minute. Observe the soles. If there is marked pallor (whiteness), ischemia should be suspected. Next check for rubor of dependency. Sit the patient upright and observe the feet. In normal patients, the feet quickly turn pink. If, more slowly, they turn red like a cooked lobster, suspect ischemia.
  • Brodie-Trendelenburg test (assessment of valvular competence if varicose veins are present):
    One leg at a time. With the patient supine, empty the superficial veins by 'milking' the leg in the distal to proximal direction. Now press with your thumb over the saphenofemoral junction (2.5 cm below and 2.5 cm lateral to the pubic tubercle) and ask the patient to stand while you maintain pressure. If the leg veins now refill rapidly, the incompetence is located below the saphenofemoral junction, and vice versa. This test can be repeated using pressure at any point along the leg until the incompetence has been mapped out.


External links[edit]

  • JAMA: Ankle Brachial Index
  • Circulation: Tools for Coronary Risk Assessment
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Peripheral pulses

Peripheral Pulses Palpable


Peripheral Pulses Location

Peripheral Pulses are those pulses that are palpable at the peripheries (hand and legs) –eg, radial, dorsal pedal, which signal vascular compromise–especially in the legs. Major peripheral pulses are palpated for symmetry. The elasticity of the arterial wall is also examined. The simulated activity allows the palpation of these pulses by clicking on each marked spots on the virtual patient. Thus the user can rule out the presence of any peripheral vascular disease.

Peripheral Pulses X3

Simulation Type

Condition, Using Graphics

Gender Specific


Conditions Simulated

Presence or absence of pulse in the following areas

Common Carotid Artery

Radial Artery

Brachial Artery

Dorsalis Pedis Artery

Posterior Tibial Artery

Femoral Artery

Popliteal Artery

Radiofemoral Delay

Radio Radial Delay Air traffic controller 3 download full version.


Click on the spots or the labels (A-G arteries or the B&F,B&B delays) in the right side panel to check the presence or absence of pulse.

System will show a wave in top of the right panel if pulse present. Otherwise, it will be a straight line.